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UK Study Visa from Pakistan: A Comprehensive Guide

Studying in the UK is a dream for many, and if you’re a student from Pakistan looking to turn that dream into reality, this step-by-step guide will be your trusted companion. From understanding visa types to the nitty-gritty of visa applications and preparations for the journey ahead, we’ve got you covered. Here’s everything you need to know about applying for a UK study visa.

london, parliament uk study visa

Why UK? A World of Opportunities

United Kingdom: A Land of Academic Excellence: The UK is renowned for its world-class education and provides a welcoming and enriching environment for international students.

High Quality of Life: With excellent healthcare and safety standards, the UK offers a high standard of living, ensuring a comfortable environment for students.

Top-Notch Education: British universities are globally respected for their quality education, emphasizing research and practical application.

Clean Air and Scenic Beauty: The UK boasts exceptional air quality, and its diverse landscapes offer a scenic backdrop for your academic journey.

Lucrative Opportunities: The country offers the potential for high earnings and an excellent income-to-expense ratio.

Diverse Career Prospects: With a thriving job market, the UK provides numerous opportunities for career development and growth.

University Intakes in UK

In the UK, there are two major university intakes:

  • Fall / Sept intake: Begins in September.
  • Winter/Jan Intake: Starts in January.

To secure your study visa, it’s crucial to apply to colleges as early as possible before the beginning of classes. This allows ample time for a timely visa decision, ensuring a smooth transition.

Simplifying the College Application Process and Fees in UK for Study Visa

College Application Process

The UK offers a streamlined application process, and most universities do not charge an application fee. They use the UK’s centralized application system accessible via UCAS, where you can apply to up to five universities online. Typically, it takes about 5 to 10 days to receive a decision from the college. However, in rare cases, it may take longer.

Documents Required for Admission in UK

For a successful college admission, you’ll need to prepare the following documents:

  • Marksheets: Your academic records.
  • IELTS Scores: Proof of English language proficiency.
  • CV: A well-crafted curriculum vitae.
  • Personal Statement: A compelling statement outlining your educational and career goals.
  • Letter of Recommendations: References from teachers or professionals.

For postgraduate admissions, all these documents are mandatory, along with any required work experience.

Language Test Requirement for University Admission in the UK

It’s highly recommended to have IELTS UKVI test scores, with specific score requirements:

  • For Bachelor’s degrees: A score of 5.5 to 6 is usually required.
  • For Master’s degrees: You’ll typically need a score of 6 to 6.5. Keep in mind that requirements may vary, so always check with the university’s specific entry requirements.

Entry-Level Percentage

For undergraduate admissions, you need at least 55-60% marks in your intermediate or 12th standard. For postgraduate studies, a minimum of 50% marks in your undergraduate degree is often required. These percentage criteria can vary by college.

Average Tuition Fees in UK

Tuition fees in the UK can vary, but here are some approximate figures:

  • For a Bachelor’s degree: Tuition ranges from £13,000 to £18,000 per year.
  • For a Master’s degree: Tuition fees typically fall between £15,000 and £26,000 annually.

It’s important to note that tuition fees can vary from one college to another, so it’s best to verify the precise amounts on the official university website.

Program Duration in UK

Master’s programs typically last for one year, while bachelor’s programs have a three-year duration.

Cost of Living in UK for Study Visa

To cover living expenses, you’ll need to budget for approximately:

  • Inside London: £12,060 for 9 months.
  • Outside London: £9,207 for 9 months.

Scholarships in UK

Many universities offer scholarships, some of which are automatically granted upon acceptance, while others require a separate application. Consult the admission advisors at your chosen university to explore scholarship opportunities

Post-Application Steps in UK

After applying, keep in mind that some universities may conduct online video call interviews before or after selection. If you pass the interview, you’ll receive an unconditional offer letter. Subsequently, you’ll need to deposit an initial sum, which is a portion of your tuition fee, typically ranging from £5,000 to £6,000, depending on the university’s requirements. The university will also request your documents and bank statement for verification. Following this, you’ll schedule a pre-CAS letter interview online via a video call.

CAS Letter

The CAS (Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies) letter is a crucial sponsorship document from your institute that signals the embassy to grant you a study visa. Without it, you cannot proceed with the visa application.

TB Test for UK Study Visa

Before applying for a visa, you must undergo a TB test conducted by UK’s authorized doctors. The cost varies but generally starts at PKR 11,000.

UK Study Visa Application

Documents Required for Visa

To apply for a UK study visa, you’ll need the following documents:

  • CAS letter
  • Passport
  • Proof of financial stability
  • Tuition fee receipt
  • TB certificate
  • Academic documents
  • Bank statement (28 days old) showing £10,000 to cover living expenses for one year and remaining tuition fees for the first year

UK Study Visa Application Fee

The visa application fee is £363, which is non-refundable.

UK Study Visa International Health Insurance (IHS) Fee

The IHS fee, which costs around £470 per year, is a requirement when submitting your visa application. It’s important to note that for master’s programs, the visa granted will be for 1.5 years, which means master’s students need to pay a total of £705 for health insurance. Unlike some other countries, you cannot obtain private health insurance for this purpose. In case of visa rejection, the HIS fee will be refunded.

Bank Statement Requirements for UK Study Visa

You need to show a 28-day-old bank statement that demonstrates a balance of at least £10,000 to cover living expenses in the UK for one year and the remaining amount for tuition fees.

UK Study Visa Application Process

Online Application
To apply for a UK study visa, complete the application form on the UK’s official immigration website. Upload the required documents and pay the fee online using a credit/debit card.

Biometric Appointment
After submitting your application, book an appointment with VFS Global for passport submission and biometric data collection. VFS Global serves as a courier company, sending your documents and passport to the UK. Ensure you book your VFS appointments well in advance, as availability can be limited.

UK Study Visa Processing Time

It takes approximately 15 days to receive a decision. If your application is accepted, your passport will be returned to you with the visa stamp.

Work Opportunities in the UK for Pakistani Students

Working Hours for Students
As a student, you can work up to 20 hours per week during the academic year and up to 40 hours during summer holidays.

Post-Graduate Work Options
After completing your studies, you have two years to find employment related to your field of study in the UK.

Bringing Family on a Study Permit

Dependent Entry Rules
As of January 2024, the UK government restricts the inclusion of dependents on study visas for international students, except for Ph.D. and master’s programs with research components. Additional financial requirements apply for dependents.

Conclusion: Your UK Academic Adventure Awaits

Studying in the UK is a transformative experience that offers top-quality education, a high standard of living, and numerous opportunities. With this comprehensive guide, you can confidently navigate the UK study visa process and embark on your academic journey in this prestigious country. Keep abreast of immigration policies and university requirements, and most importantly, savor your time in this remarkable academic destination. The United Kingdom is ready to be a part of your success story. Book a free consultation now with Believers Visa Consultants, and let’s turn your Uk dreams into reality.

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